A TROJAN WOMAN juxtaposes the raw, real-life narrative of Shanice D., a young woman incarcerated at 17 for two murders and one attempt, with the ancient tale of Cassandra, the tragic heroine from Euripides’ The Trojan Women. Facing the camera, the two women – prisoner and prophet – share stories about their lives, aspirations, and regrets and reflect on their conditions, as well as the current state of youth incarceration in the USA.
The United States is the world’s leader in incarceration.
It is the only country in the world that sentences youth to life without parole.
42% of youths in placement are Black, even though Black Americans comprise only 15% of all youth across the United States.
The United States experienced a 25% decline in its prison population between 2009 and 2021.
The prison population of all major racial and ethnic groups has experienced a significant downsizing, with the Black community witnessing the most considerable reduction.
However, Black Americans are still imprisoned at five times the rate of whites.
The crisis of mass incarceration and its racial injustice remain undeniable.
“The movie shifts your perspective and shows you that the answers were in that place you weren’t looking all along.”
Maxine, high school student, NYC
“While television shows such as Law & Order may be entertaining, the offender’s perspective is often missing. With its focus on the offender’s narrative, A Trojan Woman provides a more nuanced and personalized look into what really happens. ”
John Lewis, Ph.D., Clinical and Forensic Psychologist